weekend report

Yesterday morning I got out of bed and discovered I had screwed up my back somehow while sleeping. The weekend has not been *especially* fun, as a result. Despite this, I took Young Indiana to a movie this morning. He only lasted through 30 minutes of the film (Planes: too boring for a 3 year old) and we went to lunch and did some shopping afterward. He was incredibly, incredibly good and helpful and sweet, but I ended up carrying too much, and with my back hurting it just…yeah. God.…

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We got up at 6am today and for some reason I still thought it was a good idea to go to the zoo. I am consequently totally wrecked, and Young Indiana has been wrecked all day. I am, indeed, having a somewhat difficult time thinking, because my brain is so fried. So I shall make a list. It will probably not be a wholly inclusive list, but maybe it’ll help. – charge e-reader – put INFINITY KEY on e-reader – finish reading KHAN OF MARS – read INFINITY KEY –…

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Reading at Hore Abbey

Kitsnaps: Reading at Hore Abbey

Hore Abbey sits at the foot of the Rock of Cashel in Tipperary. I have several pictures of the abbey that I like very much, but this is one of my favorites: a couple of teens–maybe tourists, maybe locals, who knows!–for whom sitting down amongst the ruins with a good book or two was the best way to pass a grey afternoon. I can’t help, looking at this picture, half imagining that they are Will Stanton and Jane Drew.

Fiery Sunset

Guinness grant

I thought I’d said, but maybe I didn’t! I closed out the Arthur Guinness Projects popularity vote contest with 2976 votes. The leader had just under 4500, and I’m pretty clearly in the top 10%. I think I might have been #6 overall. So now we wait. :) The judges will be announcing their decisions sometime in September, but I don’t know when exactly. Someone hypothesized it would be the 26th, which is the Guinness-invented holiday Arthur’s Day, and having had that hypothesis suggested to me, it’s OBVIOUSLY what *I*…

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Ladies' View

Kitsnaps: Ladies’ View

And this is the Ladies’ View, which yesterday’s castle overlooks. The ladies are the 7 lakes of Killarney, or something like that, which are (nominally) all visible from this vantage. Regardless of how many are visible, it’s a knockout view. :)