Okay, so it’s all Liffey pictures this week, pretty much, but it was such a lovely evening and I liked several of the photos, so. :)
Kitsnaps: Big Ship
You’d think I could have SEEN a ship this size, wouldn’t you? I like how the effect here is that it and the buildings are of an exact height. Not that they were far off in actual fact, because that was in fact a big ship. First time I saw a cruise ship–a whole line of them, in fact–was with my friends Sarah and Christie (we were going on a Highlander cruise) and my impression was that we were drawing up to a row of big white buildings. My brain…
things! all the things!
I’m having one of those days where I’ve got a bunch of things bubbling away and none of them are ready to talk about and so what I’m left with is just wanting to seize people and say “I KNOW SUCH COOL PEOPLE OMG LOOK AT THEM, THEY’RE SO COOL!” because I can’t be more specific. Except in a few cases I can. For example: my long-time friend Ellen Million’s coloring book for so-called-grown-ups Kickstarter is heading into its last week and only needs about another $1K to make 10x…
Kitsnaps: Liffy Panorama
So the other day when I got the Meat Loaf concert date wrong and there was nobody at the venue and I was walking around trying to find open doors, I noticed people crossing the street to watch the drawbridge being lifted over the Liffy, so I went over to watch too. Despite taking this, and several other, pictures, I somehow managed to miss the very large ship coming down the Liffey toward the drawbridge (I was looking the wrong way) until it blasted its horn and nearly scared the…
Recent Reads: CITY OF BONES
I read CITY OF BONES in a deliberately deconstructive manner. I wanted to see what worked and why. So this is perhaps an unusually, er, structural, review thingy. First off, Clare nearly lost me on page three, where the POV character did something to the effect of “my flashing green eyes scanned the room,” which, well, how damned often do you say, “My clear blue eyes lifted to the heavens,” even if you’re deliberately describing what actions you took? The color of your eyes is not likely to come into…