I’ve said this before and will no doubt say it again: one of the coolest things about the intarwebs and growing up to be a writer is having become friends with some of my writing heroes. People I wanted to grow up to be, or whose work touched me, or who I admired the holy living bejeezus out of, or I learned from by reading their books, or all of the above. Usually all of the above. One of those people is Judith Tarr. She’s a tremendous writer and a…
Kitsnaps: Fiery Sunset
I’ve said before and will probably say again that the sunsets were the best thing about living in Longford. This is pretty high up there in my Favorite Pictures I’ve Taken list. :)
genderswapping lotr
PAUL BETTANY AS GALADRIEL JESUS GOD I WOULD WATCH THE HELL OUT OF THAT okay, i’m late to the party, it’s a post from 2010, but i just got pointed at it, and holy mother of mercy. seriously, i would WATCH THE HELL OUT OF THAT. there is no universe in which this should be not happening. this should happen in ALL the universes. especially this one. RIGHT NOW. or better yet like five years ago so i could be WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW. ben barnes as arwen. *dies the…
follow-up to industry sea changes post
Following up on Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s industry sea changes post from last week: it’s fairly clear from responses that from outside the publishing industry (and indeed, perhaps from within it), KKR’s post is all but written in a foreign language. So while I do think it’s worth reading, I’ve summarized what seem to me the most relevant points in the common tongue. :) Baker & Taylor and Ingrams (who are the two major book distributors in the US; Diamond, who distributes comics and magazines, is a very important but much…
Picoreview: The Great Gatsby
Picoreview: The Great Gatsby: It was all right. I didn’t go in with expectations of it being fantastic because reviews suggested it wasn’t. I thought it was better, perhaps, than many of the reviews did; I thought the cast, with the glaring exception of Tobey Maguire, were quite terrific. DiCaprio’s moments of fear and vulnerability where he thinks he might get found out are very nice, and he charms well when he’s supposed to. There’s one scene where he’s messing about and being youthful and joyous and looks like he’s…