No wonder I’m tired. I’ve walked something on the order of 30 miles in the past four days. Today I bopped out on my own for a couple of hours and stopped by SubCity, one of the local comic shops. Turns out half one on a Sunday is a great time to go hang out and chat for a while, so I spent a lovely 45 minutes or so talking with Rob, the proprietor, who’s a friend of ours. Amazing how going out and talking to people I’m not related…
Kitsnaps: Three Years Old
Happy birthday to my boy! :) Young Indiana had an *extremely* splendid birthday, and couldn’t have been happier with COUSINS and MAMO and GRANDPA and PRESENTS and BIRTHDAY! CAKE! with CANDLES! *happy*
overwhelmed by sarcasm
I was just briefly overwhelmed by sarcasm over on Twitter. Alastair Reynolds (whom I like very, very much) was commenting on stories he’s reading for (I think) a ‘zine, the first 3 of which he’s read have all been grim, dystopic, pessimistic near-future SF, and said, “Hey kids: you can do more than one thing with science fiction, you know?” But by that time the sarcasm had already seized me. I said, “So does this mean the hopeful aspect of my planned climate change trilogy is Right Out?” and it…
You hearten me. :)
All you people who do follow my blog hearten me (and yes, following it on Livejournal counts. It’s the same content. :)). I’d intended to go be a bit Arty last night and go see “The Last Quartet”, except then Ted said it was okay for me to go see Iron Man 3 without him, so, uhm, I did that instead. :) It was pretty good. There was one moment that was perfect. (There were possibly more, but one stands out for me.) I shall say no more until it…
Kitsnaps: Kissing Cousin
I was happy with the timing of this shot. :)