Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

brain fry

I went through the entire SHAMAN RISES manuscript in one pass today. This may have been a mistake, since it’s nearly impossible to retain any degree of impartiality after about a hundred pages in one day. But I’ve done the first revision pass, and holy crap, that book hits the ground running and doesn’t let up. And either it hangs together a lot better than I thought it would or I’m far too close to it right now to see its glaring errors. After a few detail fixes and a…

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Godslight on Cobh Harbour

Kitsnaps: Godslight on Cobh Harbour

I’m reaching the end of the really-easy-to-access Kitsnaps I’ve got stored up. I will clearly have to actually spend some time getting things ready for more posts in the near future, or I’ll drop this ball and that would make me sad. I’ve done so well for what, two months now? :)

the essential kit

Picoreview: The Host

Picoreview: The Host: A hell of a lot better than Twilight. I mean this in the same way I meant “It didn’t suck!” when I saw the first X-Men movie. I mean, I realize, yes, that Twilight is not a high bar to reach in terms of quality of acting or storytelling, but since that was approximately my expectation going in, “a hell of a lot better” is meant very kindly. The nutshell summary of The Host, adapted from Twilight author Stephanie Meyer’s 2008 SF novel of the same title,…

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the essential kit

So cool!

Okay, that’s awesome. I just got an email from a friend–the father of the boy that Billy Holliday’s son Robert is named for, in fact–who said he was hanging out with his son’s class on a beach day, and he (the father) was reading the Dresden Files. A girl asked what it was about, and he said “A wizard in Chicago.” “Oh, cool,” she said. “I’m reading something similar, but I can’t remember the writer’s name right now. I’ll get it for you.” “Heh,” my friend said, “I actually know…

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