Because what you want is more pictures.

It’s still snowing. In fact, it snowed enough to stick a bit, so this morning I bundled us up and we went down to Glasnevin Cemetery to take pictures, ’cause I thought snow might be as good, maybe even better, than fog. Well, it’s not, or at least not in these slight quantities, but I think Glasnevin’s real problem is that it’s too well-cared for to be really prime graveyard-photography territory. I prefer the going-to-seed look of a less-cared-for graveyard, for Moody Pictures. :) Anyway, I got a handful of…

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Cobh, Ireland

Kitsnaps: Cobh, Ireland

This was taken from on top of the Commodore Hotel in Cobh, looking back over the town. Really, my favorite thing about this picture is that my high school photography teacher, Pat Dixon (whose website features his own version of the exact same photo), was in Ireland and we got to go out taking pictures together, nigh unto twenty years after I’d first been his student. He was possibly my favorite teacher, and one of the shapers of my life. He’s the one who gave me ILLUSIONS to read when…

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Stormcloud sunset


It’s snowing. In Dublin. On the 26th of March. Good thing there’s no such thing as climate change. SPEAKING OF WHICH. Well, not really, but kind of: In one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, probably THE LONG WINTER, there’s a scene where Laura is bundled up in bed and she describes the level of bundling to be sufficient that only her nose pokes out so she can breathe fresh air. I’ve spent most of my life (not, you know, constantly, but) trying to accomplish that particular bundle. The closest…

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Kitsnaps: Fabulous!

I just love the color of this one. Fabulous!