Me, worried: I’m at the climactic battle & I’m only 75k into the book. Ted, phlegmatic: You’re at the end, Catie. It always takes you until the third draft to get the end right. Me: But I don’t know if I’ve got 20k of wrap-up! Me, hours later: Oh, shit, I see what he was saying. It DOES always take me multiple drafts to get the end right & this whole book is The End. Riiiiiiight. Okay. No wonder this is so messed up. I have, in fact, completed the…
You want to talk about the worst they can say is no! Billy Joel sings “New York State of Mind” with a cheeky college student as his piano accompaniment. It’s *wonderful*. Watch through to the end for the jazzy bits. :)
jumping around
In the last several books I’ve written, I’ve noticed a tendency that as I approach the end, I leap ahead, write the end, then come back and fill bits in. I have been doing that for this whole bloody book. Now, I know people who work this way as a matter of course, but I don’t, and I don’t like it, and seriously, what’s that all about anyway? This evening I realized that it’s because I’m writing the end. I mean, yes, the end happens to be 100,000 words long,…
Kitsnaps: Fairy Bridge
This is one of those images that looks like Ireland Of The Imagination, I think. I took this at a nature reserve sort of place, the name of which I cannot at the moment recall. It’s actually labeled as a fairy bridge, and I think I alarmed Ted by climbing down the hill and sort of stretching out over the stream (or river) to get this shot. I feel it was worth it. :)