small world

Ted, whose employer is a company that contracts tech support for Microsoft, just met the global head of customer experience for Microsoft, who is from Kenai and graduated the year before I did. Cue the song. :)

Let Them Eat Cake Redux

Dear Persons Who Have Been Following The Cake Saga And Want To Know When I Will Make You One: Come to Eurocon 2014 in Dublin and I will. August 22-24, the weekend after London’s Worldcon. Seriously, you cannot possibly get a better deal than this: 10 days of fandom, PLUS CAKE. Love, Me

Let them eat cake!

I brought a cake to the butcher today, as promised a few months ago. :) Luckily for me, the man who’d asked for it originally was there, and I said if he didn’t mind, I needed a moment of his time. He said “You’ve my full attention!” So I said to him that a few months ago I’d been in and had bought some small eggs rather than large, and he’d been giving me a hard time about it, but I’d said I preferred the smaller ones for baking, which…

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Well, I’ve just sent NO DOMINION and a bunch of Walker Papers short stories as a submission package to my editor at Luna. I have absolutely no idea if they’ll accept it, and will have no hard feelings if not–Luna does not, as a matter of course, publish short story collections–but I’m willing to give it a shot. And if they do not, please do not fear: I will find some other way to make the stories available to people who didn’t get a chance to participate in the Kickstarter.…

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*laughs* family

My sister’s got this weird thing going on with her grant applications where for some reason the application won’t put the date in European style. The last two times, she was working on the applications at my house, and I went to the computer, peered at it, and the dates were all correct. This time she sent me a chat saying “You know that magic thing you do to make the dates turn out right on an application? Would you like to come over here and do that?” I said,…

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