Picoreview: Go see it go see it go see it RIGHT NOW WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GO ALREADY Less of a picoreview: Look, I went in as Extremely Skeptical You Must Convince Me That Joss Is Not About To Make “Widow The Avengers Slayer” Lass. I do not believe I remembered past the opening sequence that I was supposed to be being skeptical or convinced. It’s a 2.5 hour movie that feels like a 90 minute movie. The pacing is awesome. The dialogue is great and not, thank god,…
more on ebook pricing
…because this is an interesting discussion. To me, anyway. :) Okay. First off, where I’m coming from: Amazon, B&N and possibly Smashwords don’t kick in their 70% royalty rate until $2.99, so from where I’m sitting except for an occasional Special Offer, anything below that price seems like wasting my time (because I can’t really imagine selling SO MANY copies of something at $.99 or $1.99 to make up for the loss, though who knows, maybe I’m totally wrong about that). To my mind, at $2.99 a reader deserves at…
Now that I have learned to make e-books I want to do ALL the Old Races stuff RIGHT NOW and get them up for people to buy! NOW! NOW NOW NOW! …except I haven’t edited “YoM”, I need cover art for it and ORIGINS, and I need to write one or two stories for AFTERMATH. Curses. :) Been thinking and examining the whole self-pubbed e-book pricing and stuff. In retrospect, it’s possible Faith Hunter & I should’ve set “Easy Pickings” at a $3.99 price point. Wondering whether wordcount or story…
*LAUGHS* Chat with Ted just now: Me: So I was thinking if you wanted to go to Avengers tonight you should go. :) Ted: Ok, I was thinking that you should go. So we must love each other a lot. :) Best husband. :)
ORSSP fwoomp!
The Old Races Short Story Project has been delivered to its patrons complete with a cover, patron acknowledgements, table of contents, all sorts of exciting things, in .epub and .mobi formats. And I did this one ALL BY MYSELF! …so if there are horrible mistakes, there’s no one to blame but me, which may be the down side to doing it myself. :) If you were an ORSSP patron and haven’t gotten your epub/mobi file, or need it as a PDF, email me (cemurphyauthor at gmail dot com) and let…