I tell you what, lads,the NO DOMINION response is really making me want to do something else to share with you guys. This has been wonderful. I mean, realistically, Not Right Now, because I’ve got the Dinocalypse book (you’ve bought in, right? 7 e-books for $10, how can you POSSIBLY go wrong with that?) coming up to write, and the Walker Papers to finish, and a bunch of other stuff, but still! For me, it turns out there’s an energy to direct market writing that’s different from traditional publishing–the whole…
Titanic & Tragedy
We lived in Cobh, Ireland for a while. Cobh was the Titanic’s last port of call before the iceberg, and every year they have a memorial on April 15th, where they read the names of the Irish who got on the boat in Cobh and who subsequently lost their lives. I went one year, and it was actually fairly heart-rending, particularly where they had stories to go along with the names. There are not, fortunately, that many stories, but there are a few, including one about an entire family of…
NO DOMINION has been delivered to the Kickstarter patrons. If you are one and haven’t gotten your copy, please email me (cemurphyauthor AT gmail DOT com) and let me know what format you need it in, Kindle, Sony/Nook/Epub, or PDF. This has been a fairly astonishing ride, folks. I’m pretty excited to have delivered the book (AND PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT FIVE HOURS HAS NO ONE FINISHED IT YET DO YOU LIKE IT IS IT OKAY HUH HUH HUH *clears throat* ahem, sorry, writers get like this sometimes, just move…
off to a start
Young Indiana woke up at 5 and required soothing. After a few minutes I put him back down and we all went back to bed (though I’m not sure Young Indiana ever went back to sleep). Eventually I woke up and said to Ted, “Did the alarm go off?” And Ted said, “I turned it off.” I said, “Are you taking a taxi to work?” Ted said, “It’s okay. I turned it off. It’s 5 after 6.” I said, “Are you going to work today?” Ted said, “It’s Saturday.” I…
oh hell.
Aghglghlghg. I didn’t have comments turned on, I guess, in the Open Office document, and so I have only just now, after two passes through the NO DOMINION manuscript & working from the revision letter & believing I was finished with revisions, discovered the 79 comments left in-manuscript by my editor. I am not, it seems, done with revisions after all. Alghgghl. Although this certainly explains the otherwise-bewildering lack of commentary in the manuscript, since Matrice usually has loads of good thoughts and things to point out… Guess I won’t…