who knew?

I must be in the running for the Least Neurotic Writer award. Apparently today really is the official release day for RAVEN CALLS. Who knew? There you go, folks. 7 years, 18 books, a comic, a number of anthologies and, at this point, more crowdfunded projects than I can shake a stick at. Pretty cool. And apparently pretty surprising. :)

I’m just sayin’.

I’m sure many of you will be familiar with Order of the Stick, a long-running web comic about the adventures of a stick-figure D&D group. OOTS has just completed a Kickstarter project to reprint the series. The Kickstarter’s goal was about $58,000. It closed a couple of hours ago at $1,254,120. Yes, that says one point two five million dollars. I think this is a good time to take the opportunity to mention that if Teh Intarwebs would like to pay me a million dollars, I will happily write Teh…

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All day long I’ve been thinking of this funny story I wanted to post about, and now it’s the end of the day and I can’t remember what it is. So I will post my wordcount for the month and go flop into bed, and maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to be clever. Febnowrimo wordcount: 31500 / 50000 (63.00%)


Conversation on chat last night: “What movie did you go see?” “A Dangerous Methos.” *pauses, staring at that, because after twelve years, more than twelve years, I still cannot type “method” without first typing “Methos”* “Method. A Dangerous Method.” Follow-up on Twitter: 37 other people: I would totally go see A Dangerous Methos! I love my friends. I do love my friends. :) picoreview, btw: Pretty good. I was surprised by Kiera Knightly’s performance. I can see where she didn’t…quite…let all the way go…but at the same time, the opening…

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50K & counting

“No Dominion”, the 30,000 word novella I intended to write, has just cracked 50K and the end is not yet in reach. Febnowrimo Wordcount: 25600 / 50000 (51.20%)