The Rockabilly diner dress, which I really love, is back in stock at PUG. And I am far too fat to wear it right now. The real problem is this dress only stays in stock about 15 minutes, so I either have to buy it now and hope I actually lose the weight, or wait and hope it comes back into stock. Either way it involves a lot of hope and w(ai)eight. :p Aghglghgl. Maybe I’ll do some Just Dance and/or Your Fitness today after all. :/
thinks to do
– get liz’s calendar in the mail – get book in the mail – get ORSSP to the last patron – laundry – finish chapter two ahahahah :p
ElectriCity in motion!
My project this week (and perhaps into next week) is working on the ElectriCity script. I got some feedback from beta readers (you know who you are, & I thank you!) which has already improved the first chapter, and after flailing around for a day and a half on the second chapter I remembered that a detailed synopsis does not a beatsheet* make, so I threw a beatsheet together and the second chapter is going swimmingly now. It’s not swimming as fast as I want, of course. I mean, for…
Happy Birthday, Gary!
Today is Gary Muldoon’s 80th birthday. Kyle Cassidy and “No Dominion” cover model Charles “The Hunk” Summerfield had such a great time with the “No Dominion” cover shoot that they stole off to get another couple pictures of Gary on Christmas Eve: Happy Birthday, Gary, and Happy New Year to the world! (And also happy birthday to my nephew Seirid, who is 7 years old today!)
too many ambitions.
I love the new year. It may be my favorite holiday, even if it’s perfectly silly for it to fall ten days after the solstice instead of on it. But I love the whole fresh start idea and I love resolutions and ambitions and just all of it. The only problem is I have too many ambitions (a statement which probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anybody who’s read my blog for more than two weeks). For example, in 2012 I’d like to: – get fit – gain a…