
I tell you what, I think this zoo pass is going to get a lot of mileage. It was gorgeous this morning, so I packed Young Indiana up and set off to the zoo, which should have taken about 20 minutes and instead took an hour to arrive at, thanks to the vagueries of buses. Still, we got there before *most* of the crowds, and the wolfpack was howling and a tiger was prowling and I got some pictures I’m very pleased with. I shall share two or three, and…

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Today I socialized! And swam! And walked six miles! And went to a movie! And posted the last teaser for the Walker-Yellowrock crossover! (Part one is here and part two is here!) I AM MIGHTY. Mighty out of condition, anyway. I swam a kilometer and yeesh. Kicked my ass, it did. But I also saw my sister on the way to the pool and she volunteered to sit on Young Indiana a couple mornings a week so I could go swim, so that would be *awesome*. Coincidentally but appropriately, the…

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The second, all-new teaser for EASY PICKINGS is now up at Faith’s site! Go check it out–and make sure to read the first teaser if you haven’t already! (Holy cow this is fun!)

happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the Word War Room! It’s two years old now! Seriously, I’m agog and delighted that it’s continued so strongly. I obviously haven’t been around as much this year as I was the first year, but word warriors are still in there every day, making stories. For details, if you want to join us, check out the room’s LJ profile. *beams*

not that i’m doing a chance costume…

…but if I was, it did occur to me that I already have knee-high black leather boots. They may not be proper Stompy Boots, but they’d certainly do in a pinch. And I did find the necessary color lipstick, for slightly less than the top dollar I was willing to pay for it. By the company that’s making the Wonder Woman makeup line, no less, although the appropriate lipstick is not from that line. I wonder if I could do this on a reasonable budget. Well, no. A mask, if…

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