Ten Years of Word Wars

Ten years ago today, I started a “word wars” chat room because I had a book on short deadline and needed people to prod me to get it done. I invited a bunch of my writer friends and hoped it would last six months. Today is its tenth anniversary. At least half a dozen of the people who started in the war room with me ten years ago are still there, and there are many, many others who joined a little later, or even quite recently, who are in there…

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March Thinks To Done

I literally only made two posts in March, one relating my February thinks to done and the other, halfway through the month, explaining my otherwise total radio silence. Now, for the March thinks to done post, I explain the REST of the radio silence. I mean, like, man, I even went to movies! But I didn’t picoreview any of them because I was too goddamn busy! In March I did a much deeper-dive revision on THE CARDINAL RULE than I expected to. I mean, I’d gone in with the vague…

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If you’ve been watching me on Twitter the past couple weeks, you know I’ve been eyeball deep in what I’ve been referring to as “The Impossible Task”. It wasn’t an impossible task save that I hoped to get it done in about three days and, uh, well, as you see, it’s now two weeks later… :) Anyway, the Impossible Task was the deep-dive revision of my 2005 “action-adventure romance*” novel, THE CARDINAL RULE, which was originally written under a pseudonym, and languished in relative obscurity for reasons completely beyond my…

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Thinks To Done, February 2019

A while ago I’d gone off to work for a few days and when I returned my sister said, “So how’d you do?” and I said, “Well, I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to,” and she said, “Do you ever?” and I felt really called out, like, y’know? @.@ So anyway, I’m going to try not to start these Thinks To Done recaps with “I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to” because…do I ever? :} So the studio didn’t work out and I decided…

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A note about Irish distances

This is especially for people coming to Dublin 2019: If an Irish person (or website, for that matter) tells you something is a 10 minute walk, they are almost certainly lying to you. It’s a well-intentioned lie. They reckon anybody can walk for ten minutes, I think, so if they say it’s ten minutes, well, that sounds grand and not a bother and you can manage that. But if it is actually a ten minute walk, that is a matter of sheer coincidence and should not be used as a…

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