The five issue run of “Take A Chance” is being auctioned off on eBay by somebody or other, in case someone would like to have a copy. Yesterday, unrelated to this auction since I didn’t know about it, and therefore randomly, because I was feeling gloomy about the prospect of ever, ever, ever finishing the series (I’m pretty gloomy about ever getting a graphic novel out, for that matter. Or getting paid by the Dabels. Anyway.) I had the vague thought of continuing it online as a crowdfunded novel. In…
It has been an unpleasantly early morning here at the Murphy Lee household. Like, although Ted had left for work only twenty minutes earlier, ten minutes ago I thought, “Christ, it must be nearly ten by now,” and was horrified when I looked at the clock and it was a quarter to eight. I doubt my functionality for the day. I have to get masonry paint, a paint roller and pan, and brush, so I can paint the wall outside, but I’m not quite sure how to manage that with…
it’s going to be busy this week!
It’s going to be busy this week. There’s the Democrats Abroad meeting tomorrow evening and Baby Cinema on Wednesday and perhaps I’ll get to the toddler group on Friday, and there’s the housewarming party Sunday next. (Remember that? 1-6pm August 1st! Email for the address, if you’re in, y’know, the right country or a conveniently neighboring one! :)) And that’s not including going into town to get paint and cat food and visiting my parents in their new house and no doubt a zillion other things. Jeez. I’m tired just…
we accomplished huge amounts this weekend. the garden floor hasn’t actually been scrubbed, but a lot of it’s been doused with bleach water, and about all i can do now is hope it doesn’t rain so cruft can be scraped & swept up tomorrow. ted’s finished unpacking/clearing up most of the library, and we’ve put a dent in the laundry. i have not touched my office, but perhaps i can do that during the week. things are proceeding apace!
…is it just me, or does “give us your server root logins” seem like an odd response from a web host when I provide them with an IP and domain from which I’m getting hammered with spam? I mean, shit, I can drop in an .htaccess IP-blocker on my own site if I have to, but I’d think a host would want to be blacklisting that IP system wide. And yeah, I know, IPs cover a world of territory and not everybody coming from that IP might be evil, but…