I read Jim’s PRINCEPS’ FURY over the weekend. It is true I’m turning into a terrible sop, but it made me cry. Well done, Jim. Also, want the last book NOW!!! Been working on “Hot Time” today, which has mostly meant reading and cutting rather than writing scads. At somewhere north of 10,000 words, it is not at all finished, and still visibly flawed, but I’m beginning to think maybe I’ve got a story here. This rather relieves me (and probably surprises no one else, but that’s the nature of…
debts of gratitude
I owe a debt of gratitude to Soapturtle, who has rescued mizkit.com from certain doom. There was a time in my life when I could’ve done it myself, but *man* am I grateful for someone who’s willing to do it for me. Rumor has it that Amazon is shipping WALKING DEAD as early as *today* (which is a full two weeks before its official release date), so let me know if you get your copy! Wow, holy *crap*. Marith just gave me this link: lost photographs of Hiroshima. Which reminds…
we are returned!
We’re back from Belfast, where we had an absolutely splendid time. We didn’t get pirate pictures, because we were in the wrong place at the necessary time, but we walked approximately 45207 miles and took an equal number of photographs, some of which I’ll post soon. And I had all kinds of clever thoughts and things to post about regarding the weekend, but I’m too sleepy now to type them up and I’m afraid I’ll sort of not get around to it later in the week. Maybe I should give…
mostly metrics
Don’t burn the internet down while we’re gone! miles to Morannon: 9.7 ytd wordcount: 211,600
thinks to do
Thinks to do before we go to Belfast: – charge the camera batteries – put together pirate costumes – empty the garbages & compost – figure out what *else* to do besides see the tall ships – write a Magical Words post – other things as I remember them » like buy new little pocket-sized umbrellas Belfastians (Belfastoids? Belfastoidians? What do you call yourselves?) who want to have dinner Friday night: please email me your mobile numbers to cemurphyauthor@gmail.com!