Ooh, new Rogue figurine supposed to be out this week maybe. Very pretty! Weird pose, but very pretty. I want one! Quiet day on the old home front. I vacuumed. :) Got a bunch of packages of WALKING DEAD out to people. Saw Ice Age 3, which was mildly diverting. Didn’t write. Yeah, okay, that’s all I got tonight. *flops* miles to Minas Tirith: 522
DEMON HUNTS is revised and delivered unto my editor. The copped-out storyline is much improved and hopefully everything else that needed explaining has been explained satisfactorily. And now I have no more revisions to do until the next TRUTHSEEKER revision letter. However, lest you think that means I’m caught up, I say BAHAHAHA. O.O Next up is writing “Hot Time”, upon which I’ve done some 1800 words already and, er, I seriously doubt this is going to come in as short as 7500 words. I’m sort of hoping I can…
link salad, maybe
The Book Love Affair blog is running an Urban Fantasy Awards contest & give-away, and has included the Walker Papers in her line-up. The way to participate is by leaving comments, and I’ve just offered to send an early copy of WALKING DEAD to one of the winners there, so if you want another chance at it, go participate! Also, well, I’d really kind of like to see a good showing in one of these things, because my books more or less never get nominated for any of these sorts…
Ted and I went into Dublin today to see Paul Cornell, who was in to Dublin for the day to do a signing at Sub City Comics. Getting off the train, we discovered we were walking alongside Brian S. from P-Con, to whom I said, “Brian. Brian! Briiiiaaaan!” He ignored me entirely until Ted nudged him (later he said, “I did hear you, but I couldn’t imagine anybody would be talking to me! I mean, who would I know in the train station getting off the train from Sligo?”), and…
best wedding video ever
Wedding videos are not something I generally approve of, just because I tend to feel you were either there or you weren’t and if you were you remember and if you weren’t you don’t need to have it inflicted on you. This is a glorious exception. Thanks to Myles & Kate for the link.