After a ridiculous number of attempts, I have shoes that do not hurt my feet. That is good. I also got 2600 words written on the train commute. That is also good. And believe I have ended up, via these massive revisions, with a scenario that will permit me to write a third book in this series if my editor wants one. That’s good too. The drunk asshole on the train who made fun of my hat and upset my tummy by doing so is less good. It’s a very…
twitter, facebook, shameless self promotion…
All right, while it would no doubt be easier to give away books, I’m going to write a couple of Walker Papers short stories (possibly *very* short stories) for Facebook fans/Twitter followers when they crest a certain number. For Facebook, that number is 250, which is only ten or eleven people away. (The story may get substantially longer with every, say, hundred more people who join the fan group.) The Facebook fan page is here. For Twitter, which the entire world seems to claim as More Popular, the number is…
nattering details
Himself and I went to the new Transformers movie tonight. It’s much too long, and filled with considerably more juvenile humor than I remember from the first one. They could’ve cut forty minutes from it and had an explosion-filled film with as much plot as they managed in 2.5 hours, but with a lot less of the stupidity. One never wants to find oneself thinking “wow, this is long,” during the course of a movie, or to think, “Oh, hey, when are they going to address $Plot_Device again?” ten entire…
a chat log:
catie: Sometimes I try to imagine what it would be like to just say, “Screw it, if it doesn’t fit in two suitcases I’m not taking it,” and sort of…start clean. sarah: Me too. catie: I get into the “but well” within about three seconds. sarah: LOL. Me too. :) catie: I’m pretty sure the genuinely important things would fit in two suitcases. But, well. sarah: Yeah, but it’s all the little weird things that make you, you know, who you are, right? Generic you. catie: Nah, the weird little…
Kit’s Very Busy Day
I got up at 7:something, and by 8:20 I’d showered, cleaned the kitchen, fed the cats, and made a grocery list. By half eleven I’d made pancakes, gone shopping, and gotten started on the hellish site redesign that’s going to take days if not weeks of time. In between beating my head on the redesign wall, I entertained myself by making icons from ‘s Star Trek parody. There are SO MANY MORE I want to do, but this will do for a start. All text (excepting “adorkable”) thanks to Sarah…