Word Warrior Aponi has won the “random draw for a book for people who have donated to Astres’ 10K run”. It is a day of many winnings! Ted decided he wanted a bicycle to get to and from work on, so today we boldly went forth to the bike shop, where we found just the thing, plus panniards, bike lights, locks, helmets, and a variety of other Good Stuff. They also told us that although my bike has been sitting out in the rain for the past three years they…
Okay, guys, I have to say this was a great deal of fun for me. Some of the story suggestions were perfectly wonderful, things I wouldn’t have thought of myself but which were terribly obvious as soon as they were suggested. Obviously not everybody can win the anthology, but *many* of these ideas will, I think, end up as stories. Thank you all! Hee hee hee! There are exceedingly moderate spoilers behind the cut, but I’ll put ’em behind the cut because they’re spoilers at all.
Dude. I just got an email from Capitol One saying there were worrisome charges on my credit card. I figured it was the donation I’d made to , who is in Canada, or possibly the purchase via Black Hen Music, also in Canada, but no, it was a charge made yesterday to the tune of $700. I will say that Capitol One may be pigfuckers wrt interest rates, but they put a hold on my account, notified me, and half an hour later the account is closed out, the disputed…
Tomorrow is the last day of the contest to win an ARC of A FANTASY MEDLEY. Go here for rules & to enter. A few people have asked, so I in turn asked the fine people at Subterranean Press if there were any plans to re-release the anthology in, say, a less-expensive softback format. The response was, “We’ve had some spot interest, but nothing like the hundreds of requests we’d need in order to justify going to press.” I’ve genuinely no idea if there are hundreds of people interested, but…
well-trained human
Lucy has decided she prefers eating with company. So she’ll chow down for a bit, but if she notices I’ve left the room, she comes looking for me. If I go back to the kitchen with her, she eats a bunch more. I am so very, very well-trained. I went to see Star Trek for a third time today. I just love that movie. The opening scene made me cry. AGAIN. That’s three times, for God’s sake. I think the only two movies I can think of off the top…