Five weeks and ninety thousand words later, DEMON HUNTS is *done*. I was very, very determined to finish it today. 5700 word day, and I was writing scenelets all over the damned place hoping they’d add up to something I could stitch together and make the end of the book. They did. :) Buuuunches of work to go back and do to actually make the whole thing hang together smoothly, but I sent the book to one of my early readers yesterday before it was done and in a fit…
most awesome friends
My friend Mary Anne sent me a photo of THE PRETENDER’S CROWN in the wild at a Borders in DC. I have the most awesome friends. :) Look at it there with all its C.E. Murphy friends! *wriggle* :)
cannot brain i have teh dumb
I think I have about a chapter and a half to go on this book. It is getting ever-slower. I have reached the Novelist’s Event Horizon. I’m coming to the conclusion that the last five chapters or so of any book is my least favorite part of writing it. For years now I’ve been skipping ahead and writing the last scene, and I now suspect that this is because I just want to get it over with and have some vague (if desperately wrong) hope that if I write the…
nothin’ much
I have to say, I think there’s something to be said for this whole strange idea of “write 5 days a week and take 2 days off”. I had a very hard time getting started this morning (I do not find the ends of books easy to write, although you’d think they would be, since most of the work is done by that point), but I eked out twelve hundred or so words and then had a fairly decent set of wars. Aiming to finish the book by Friday (after…
*laughs a lot*
Wolverine took in $87 million this weekend, partly in thanks to “an unexpectedly large female audience — nearly 50 percent of the total”. All I can say is: Dude. Hugh Jackman. Liev Schreiber. Taylor Kitsch. Ryan Reynolds. If you build it, we will, ah, come. o.o