I have received in the mail a small box of A FANTASY MEDLEY and a large box of THE PRETENDER’S CROWN. The TPC contest is still open for about four more hours, so if you want to cast THE QUEEN’S BASTARD as a way to potentially win a copy, you should hasten to do that. Many people said “Gosh, I could do this with the Old Races or the Walker Papers”, and so, because there will be no more Negotiator books, I will give you the opportunity to win a…
i cannot brain, i has teh dum
There’s a…like a center of gravity. A vortex, but that’s not the word. Not counterweight, either. Where you’re the person or thing which causes other things to be drawn to it, so change can be affected. There’s a word for that. I will send a copy of THE PRETENDER’S CROWN to whoever can come up with the word I’m looking for. *Argh*. *shakes brain in frustration* eta: I think got closest to what I’m after first, with ‘fulcrum’. A fulcrum point from which everything else swings. I think that’s ……
I’ve had a very productive day, so long as you don’t count getting dressed in proper clothes an essential part of a productive day. I’m still in the sweatshirt and floppy pants I put on this morning, but I did write 3400 words, walk 3 miles and swim. And my shoulder, which ached this morning, seems to have settled down, which is good. I think there’s something distinctly good to be said for getting up and writing, then going to the gym mid-day and coming back again to write after…
word war room
A word war chat room window is now open. It’s what, about 9:30am Eastern time now. I figure I’ll be around for about 3 hours. If, in the long term, this seems to work, maybe I’ll see about setting something up permanently. To war! eta: chat now closed as of noon EDT
So tired this morning. So HUNGRY this morning. And my shoulder is pinchy, so I’m going to prop myself up on the couch and write instead of going to swim right away. Maybe it’ll relax after a couple hours. (I need to learn to sleep on my left side. That would help.) Notes from yesterday’s chat room: general agreement that the difficulty isn’t so much exercising as getting out the front door. It’s so much easier with a gym buddy, somebody who expects you to be there. This week’s challenge,…