what i have learned

I have learned that the all-day chat structure isn’t going to work for /me/, so week-after-next I will open a chat room at 9pm GMT/4pm EDT/1pm PDT and run it for about 90 minutes before sluffing off to bed. (I figure next week is Easter so there’s no point in trying to run a chat then.) I think I /will/ go ahead and open a daily chat room for word wars. I’ll post the url at my writing community, , rather than here, because it seems more appropriate, and the…

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you know…

…I would open a daily word wars chat room if I wasn’t in a completely different time zone from so many of the writers I know. I mean, really, the Pacific coast writers won’t be up for hours yet, and most of the East Coasters aren’t really stirring yet either (except LAG, who seems to often be on early). Still, if the idea appeals, leave a comment and maybe I’ll start doing that. (Word wars: a scenario where you set the clock for 30 or 45 minutes and everybody writes…

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posty ms. posts-a-lot

See, I told you. Lots of posts. :p (and I am of course typing at the laptop, so either I’m not suffering that much or I’m really stupid.) I thought I’d start the weight loss chat room this coming Sunday, the 5th of April. The most widely agreeable time was ‘open at chat room at 9am Pacific and let it run all day’, which translates to running–at least with me as a participant–until about 1pm Pacific/5pm Eastern/10pm Greenwich, so that’s what I’ll do, and I’ll sort of assume that the…

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trying to find the zone

I fear today may be a day of many posts. I’m finding–not just today, when I’m trying to get JvC started, but in general–that I’m spending a great deal of time screwing around when I’m at Nook, my writing computer. It’s the moral equivalent of playing Solitaire all the time, although I don’t actually have any games on that computer anymore. But I blew through the last chapter of TRUTHSEEKER when I moved to the laptop, so I’m kind of thinking that perhaps I’m desperately in need of a change…

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level up!

I have leveled up in Pilates. There’s an exercise called ‘the Teaser’, which, at the beginning level, consists of lying on your back with your legs at a 45 degree angle, feet against a wall. You elevate your feet slightly so they’re no longer against the wall, and then, using your stomach muscles only–ie, without throwing your head and shoulders forward for momentum, which is the tricky part–you roll up until you’re sitting on your bottom and have brought your arms into parallel with your legs: It’s startlingly hard, by…

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