shoulder is improving. trying not to keyboard too much. am cranky about not swimming, but that would be Stupid right now. might be back around on Friday. that is all. :) miles to Minas Tirith: 121.3
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
We’ve had a lovely day out. It is in fact a lovely day, which is unusual, and we went to the Longford parade, as did everyone else in the town. It was a *much* longer parade than I expected, and parts of it were pretty good. Yer man standing next to me said to his wife, “It’s a fair grand parade, isn’t it?” and she said, “It is, much better than last year, but everyone’s got more free time so,” which made me laugh and laugh and *laugh*. :) I…
I am not swimming this morning, because not only does my shoulder hurt, but I got a stiff neck while sleeping, presumably because I was in some way trying to compensate for the achy shoulder. *sigh* And the pool’s closed tomorrow because it’s St. Patrick’s Day. So I guess I’ll do Pilates today and try to go for a longish walk. And maybe try to buy a new pedometer. *sigh* many thinks to do: – make bread – do pilates – count de money (de monet, de monet!) – maybe…
mostly metrics
Ted made a stunningly good dinner tonight. Salmon with herbs de provence in dijon mustard, and grilled vegetables and lemon-and-garlic spinach. Insanely, insanely good. And he cleaned most of the house. Me, I read a book. And knitted eleven more rows. And did laundry. I think he wins the Superior Human award for the day. I also swam, and my shoulder is/was acting up, so I’m spending as little time as possible online for a while. *scoots off* miles to Minas Tirith: 112.3 ytd km swum: 27.9
thinks I’ve done
Today involved a lot of walking back and forth, digging in the dirt, and knitting. We have now got All The Plants (raspberries tayberries black currants cherry tree rhubarb sage rosemary thyme strawberries), and they are All Planted. Now we shall see if we get any FROOTS and BERRIES from them. We had dinner at Mom & Dad’s, and then while Ted and Dad watched a match on tv, Mom taught me to knit. I am apparently not entirely bad at it. I did 11 rows on a simple knit…