seedlings & writing

Well, I didn’t get any writing done, but I re-read TRUTHSEEKER, which needed to be done to go forward, so I guess it wasn’t a total wash. And I did the other things I needed to do today. And cleaned the living room. (Now Ted is cleaning the office and making me feel vaguely guilty for sitting here while he works. Not guilty enough to get up and help. Just guilty.) But! The nifty thing is that my Christmas orange seeds that I planted a month ago have suddenly become…

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going back to work

Vacation is over. I’m supposed to be going back to work today. So far I’ve turned the heat on in my office. I’m thinking of following it up by making a desktop background with all my book and comic covers. As inspiration, see. thinks to do: – email the comic team with deadline information – respond to matrice’s emails – write for an hour – go for a walk

Teaser icons: Chance #2

Chance #2 hits the shelves in about 10 days. Behind the cut are teaser icons for the upcoming issue! (eta: oh! in response to a comment: yes, of course these are for general use and snurching and all. Credit to as the maker is great, and if you’d like to mention they’re from the comic book “Take A Chance” that’s great too. Enjoy!)

tap steps

This morning Mom IM’d me to ask if I knew the name of the combination step flap toe heel heel slap-back slap-back shuffle ball change flap, so naturally I got up and did it. My feet didn’t recognize it; they wanted to do slap-heel slap-heel, which I reported. She said that was more accurate, so I got up and did it again several times. Ted, sitting on the other couch, looked over at me curiously and I explained that Mom wanted to know if I knew if the step had…

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movie meme & new year thoughts

Nabbed from : Supposedly if you’ve seen more than 85 of the 239 films on this list, you have no life. Copy this list, then put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, and add them up. I tag anyone who wants to play. Have fun.