Happy New Year

May 2009 be a better year in all respects than 2008 (even if you’ve had a very good 2008!). (eta at 11am the next day: Oh darn. I forgot this thing didn’t propagate to LJ if it was set to post ahead, so my friends-list didn’t come up with a 12:01 ‘happy new year’ for everyone. oh well. Happy New Year anyway. :))

feeling better

That was a hit-and-run cold-bordering-on-flu thing if I’ve ever had one. I’m still not entirely well, but the difference between Sunday and Monday in my wellness level is nearly indescribable, nevermind how much better I feel today. And apparently I *caught* it at Christmas, since one of the guests had the same symptoms that laid me out three days later. …it’s going to be 2009 in the moral equivalent of a few minutes. For some reason this particularly struck me in looking at the archives links on my webpage, perhaps…

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coughing up a lung

It’s 6:40am and I’ve been hopelessly awake for almost an hour, thanks to a wracking cough and high pressure system in my sinus cavities. I am exhausted and smell of Vicks Vapor Rub, and all I want is to get some more sleep. The cats, on the other hand, want me to feed them. *tries to sleep*

I am tired of all the news in the news that is bad. Today would be a nice day for people to tell me something good that’s happened to them lately. miles to Dunharrow: 87.6

a nice day

When I peel Christmas oranges I usually manage to get a half or a third of the skin off in one piece. I have, as long as I can remember, then tidily stacked the smaller bits within the larger curve, and then set about eating the orange. It has never struck me as an odd thing to do, but I just discovered my husband finds it charming and funny, because it’s so very tidy, and I’m not usually. So now I’m amused by it too. I have just been informed…

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