It is my most sincere and bordering on desperate hope that there is either a second hard drive with more of my stuff on it, or that my photographs have been saved to the Big Storage Drive, because otherwise with the exception of about six (granted, very good) photographs, I have lost the original kitsnaps files during one of the computer failures of the past year. It’s extremely likely they’ve been saved on the BSD. I vaguely remember Ted saying something about copying the photography to that drive. I am…
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you’ve got a couple dollars to spare, help a family keep their home. There’s probably no way to officially keep track, but if you donate money and want to send me a private email telling me how much you’ve donated, I’ll send my latest book or a book of your choice or a comic or … something … (fudge?) to the highest donor off my friends list. My email is, and if you put, uh, “home donation” in the subject line then I’ll be able to keep track…
a Thought
I have had a Thought. My copy edits are done. My revisions are done. I have turned in everything I’m going to get paid for this year. I do not have another book due until the end of February, and that’s a 90K book which is a quarter done already. I have comic scripts completed through May, assuming Chance does phenomenally well and actually launches directly into issue 6, which is probably not very likely. I do not actually *have* to write 400K this year. The only thing I have…
done dee done done DONE!
The copy edits are well and truly finished, although I need to see if I can find the Much Larger Version of the map to include, and I need to print off the couple extra pages of Stuff that I’ve edited or added. Then it’ll go in the mail first thing tomorrow. I need to go over the letters for the second issue of Chance. And I need to finish writing the Morrigan short story. And I need to call the bank to find out why they turned down my…
gettin’ there
I’m down to the last 130 pages or so of copy edits. I’m also in the stage that I suspect most writers find themselves at when they’re going over a manuscript for the zillionth time: there are moments when I think, God, this is really good!, and others when I think, Oh, God, what was I thinking, this is awful. I’ve just finished going over one of the most climactic scenes in the book, and I think it really works (so, apparently, did my agent, who said she almost stopped…