Revisions on a 421 page book are much less daunting than revisions on a 717 page book. I finished the first pass today, and am mildly whiny about having to go back through it again, but none of it’s really that bad. I expect to turn it in Monday, which will be good. Then I will do two things: start swimming again, and try to catch up on NNWM. For a week. Until the PRETENDER’S CROWN copy edits arrive. *snivels* It is raining. Worse than that, it’s *incredibly* grey and…
sloggy progress
Yesterday was utterly useless. Today I decided I needed to focus on either revisions or writing, and given that revisions will pay me sooner, I worked on revisions today. o.O I’m actually about halfway through the WALKING DEAD manuscript now, so it’s going pretty well, although it’s in the last quarter that my editor thinks it really needs work, so. Hopefully I’ll lurch through the third quarter tomorrow and do the last bit over the weekend so I can 1. turn it in and 2. start catching up with NNWM…
oh my god.
*bursts into tears* I can’t believe we won. *waits on a knife’s edge to see what happens in Alaska*
very slow start
I’m off to a very slow start today. I slept badly, having dreams about the election what certainly seemed like all bloody night long, only interrupted when I got up to go to the bathroom, came back to bed, and tried to locate the pillow that had gone missing but instead poked Ted in the ribs several times, which tickled him until he woke up very, very confused. :) (I thought the pillow was between us. It turned out it’d fallen on the floor, but I was fumbling for it…
a hundred million things
I have–I have not been counting, but I suspect it is in the range of–about a hundred million things to do this week. Approximately. More or less. Among them is starting to swim again, which is really kind of the thing I want most to do and also the thing that is hardest/perhaps least likely *to* do. This is partly because I’ve had a cold more of the last six weeks than not, and I am simply not confident of my energy levels, and I *need* my energy to write…