vacation: how does that apply to you?

Yesterday in comments somebody asked how vacation appealed to me, but the first five or so times I read it I read ‘apply to you’. Given that many people are profoundly skeptical about my ability to actually not do work, let me tell you how I will not be working over the next four weeks. These are all things which are on my list of thinks to do, so it’s not that I’m making things up to prove I won’t be working.

I am not going to:

– contact the Marvel writer talent search person
– write any Chance scripts
– develop any of the other four or five comic proposal ideas I have sitting around
– write either of the screenplays I’d like to try my hand at
– revise ANGLES

Those are the major top-of-my-head projects. They’ll all get done eventually. I’m just pretty sure they don’t all have to be done right *now*. My big plans for the month are, in fact, to start swimming again, to maybe do some drawing and photography, to read some books, and to do holiday stuff with my family. I will also celebrate the upcoming release of Chance #1, and make an inordinante amount of fudge, toffee, coconut joys and Russian tea cakes.


1 thought on “vacation: how does that apply to you?

  1. What is this “vacation” thing of which you speak? I don’t believe that word is in my vocabulary. Might be one of those legendary things that no one talks about in my office…

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