feeling good enough to talk about politics

I think I am feeling better. I went for a walk this afternoon instead of taking a nap, which is what I’ve been doing for the last several days, and I actually feel like I have at least a few crumbs of energy to spare. It’s astonishing how much better ‘vaguely normal’ feels. o.O Also–possibly because the cold is fading–I’m feeling rather benignly pleased with the world. I hope I’ll still feel this way on, say, Wednesday morning. o.O, again. But we’ve voted (over a week ago now), and it…

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In about 15 minutes I’m going to go to my writing computer for the first time in a couple of months* to begin creating new words. I was not nearly man (or foolish) enough to start Nano at 12:01am, although I’m sure plenty of people were, but I’ve decided I’m not going for 75K this month as I’d originally intended, so hopefully I don’t need the early start. (Instead I’m going to try the impossible, which is to spend the next week not only getting 1700 new words a day…

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insanely cute nephews

Mom made Breic and Seirid their Halloween costumes this year: Seirid is going as a baby T-Rex, and Breic as Cernunnos (I swear that’s not my fault). You can see where his cloak has a place for antlers in the hood, which I think is terribly clever. And I think they’re terribly cute. Happy Halloween, everybody. :)


It may be just as well my Dublin/Gaiman plans were thwarted, as I’m beginning to think what I assumed were the last vestiges (a cough, a still-runny nose, and a regular headache currently centered in my right eye) of the South Carolina cold are instead a whole new cold of their own. I cannot tell you how delighted I am by this. *sigh* Anyway, perhaps rushing in and out of Dublin on public transportation wouldn’t have been such a great idea after all. It is with this set of symptoms…

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Ok, first the Eason’s site gave no indication the Gaiman thing was a ticketed event (I checked about five times before I left for South Carolina), and now it says that it is, and that the tickets are sold out. Ok, well, /Pádraig is a hero of the revolution and has an extra ticket. But also, the Eason’s site had indicated the thing was at 6 or 6:30, and now says it’s at 7, and it turns out I was wrong about when buses leave: I thought there was a…

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