Ok, so it looks like I *am* going to go into Dublin tomorrow afternoon for the Neil Gaiman thing at Eason’s. I’ll probably get into town around 3pm, as I want to go to Chapters and sign books and chat, and to swing by Sub City, so…anybody up for an early (and cheap) dinner? I’m looking forward to seeing some people, one way or another. And then I’m going to spend the entirety of November (excepting Dublin Comic Con) with my head down and my nose to the grindstone, because…
home again.
Home again. Totally wiped out. Have read HALTING STATE and OFF ARMAGEDDON REEF (Charles Stross and David Weber, respectively) and enjoyed them both a great deal. HALTING STATE sounds more like Charlie himself than any of his other books I’ve read, so that was particularly fun. Did not work at all on my revisions. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. Ate constantly throughout the weekend, except when I was talking. Fortunately I was scheduled to talk a fair bit, but I still ate a lot. A lot a lot a…
I’m off.
Off to South Carolina. No idea what my access will be like, so I may be radio silent for the next week or so. Try to be brave while I’m gone. :)
101 jillion things to do
I don’t like traveling. I don’t like the *preparations* for traveling, particularly. I like being places. I just don’t like everything it takes to get there. I always feel like I have 12,000 million billion things to do RIGHT NOW before I leave. I’ve gotten better about early organizing in the last couple of years (mostly to try and spare Ted, who takes the brunt of my ill humor if I’m insufficiently prepared), but it’s all a major PITA anyway. So today is the List Of A Hundred Jillion Things…
if I had been smart…
If I’d been smart, I’d have taken the “a few more loose ends to tie up” secondary revision letter from Betsy as a sign that I should work, and not go to Octocon this weekend. I’m glad I *did* go, you understand; it was a pleasant weekend and I got to hang out with people I like, but unquestionably in terms of Getting Stuff Done it was not the smart choice. On the positive side, the revisions are *extremely* minor and shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours at…