Today I have had the thought, “I could make a batch of cookies and just eat two!” more than once. Then I have faced reality. It’s possible I might just eat two today. I might be able to be that good. And I might say I’ll just eat two tomorrow. However, tomorrow–and let’s assume I’m really being good–I will *actually* have two for dessert after lunch, and then after dinner say, “Well, that was two after lunch, but this is dinner, so I can have two now!” And that’s the…
before I got distracted…
Before I got distracted with my bitching political post, I’d intended to try to corral my thinks what need doing this week/rest of the month/into October. I shall try again. :) Got a variety of things coming up, all of which will ideally be done before I go to South Carolina to teach at the South Carolina Writers Workshop. – yoga class tuesday & thursday – spanish class wednesday – develop any paperwork needed for SWCC (deadline: 26 Sept) – do a bit of revising to the TRUTHSEEKER proposal –…
This was going to be a thinks to do post.
But then I read /Diane Duane’s link to Aaron Sorkin’s extremely excellent President Bartlett/Senator Obama interview and now I am exasperated. I understand why it’s an issue. I understand why it keeps getting run up the flagpole. I understand that it’s a flawless example of the flip-flopping that Republicans have gotten away with time and time again while Democrats are shot down for it. But I am goddamned tired of hearing about the Bridge To Nowhere. Here’s the thing about that bridge. Yes. It was expensive. Yes. It was pork…
eclectic entry
Going to London has utterly thrown off my sense of time. I’m fairly convinced it’s Tuesday. *Next* Tuesday. o.O London was fun. I sold a few books and met several LJers, which was really wonderful. *beams* *waves to you all and makes noises of profound gratitude that you came*! I was also stalked by /Sarah Brennan, whose copy of HANDS OF FLAME says “Stop following me!” The next one will say, “I mean it, or I’m calling the garda!” and the one after that will say “That’s it, I’m getting…
Fiction Week: Rabbit Tricks
I am back from London, and for the end of Fiction Week, I present to you a Walker Papers short story to tide you over until book four’s release next fall. :)