House: 0; Kit & Ted: 1

Also, cats: 0; Kit: 2 After yesterday’s eye-mooshing allergy fit (my eye is much better today), this morning was spent in a cleaning fit. Everything has been vacuumed within an inch of its life, including the cats, at least metaphorically. I have washed them. They are not at all happy about this, but at least I was nice enough to lock them in a room with the heat turned all the way up after subjecting them first to the indignity of a shower and then the blowdryer. There was yowling…

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just to forestall…

Just to forestall anybody else telling me not to rub too hard, let me confess that I have in fact rubbed my eyes too hard and that I have done something bizarre to the left one; the sclera seems to be somewhat wrinkled. It doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t affect my vision, but when I look to the left without moving my head it feels slightly weird, like something’s in my eye. I have napped for three hours with a cold compress on it, and it is less swollen than…

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Having done all that writing yesterday, my motivation seems to have drowned in today’s downfall of rain. Its loss is compounded by the kitty cats being cold, and therefore very happy to snuggle on me and emit kitty sleep rays. On the other hand, last night I did think of a Walker Papers short story I could write, so if I manage to locate my motivation, I’ll have something to do with it. Oh, God, my eyeballs itch. *rubs them until they’re swollen* ytd miles swum: 18.7


I have not left the house today. On the other hand, I’ve finished one short story, written the entirety of a second (especially remarkable in that the time elapsed from Ted suggesting it to me finishing it was less than 3 hours), and written a third or so of another. This must be worth something. Now there shall be pineapple upside-down cake. ytd wordcount: 325,800

just stuff

Y’know a couple weeks ago when I slept funny and woke up with my arm flung behind me? The joint’s been all achy and mucked up since then, but this morning it suddenly went CLICK and is fine again. It never ceases to amaze me both how much discomfort the body can become accustomed to and work with, and how very good it feels when the pain stops. I have had “write Chance #6” on my thinks to do list for like half a year now. Possibly longer. I finally…

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