Apparently the manner in which Zilli is leaned up against me causes him, from the angle at which Ted is sitting, to appear to be a thalidomide kitty. Ted would not let me take a picture of the thalidomide kitty and post it. He said that was tasteless. :) I wrote a short story last night! Now I just need to do that four more times. :) The weather did not betray us. Yesterday was surprisingly lovely, and so far today it is not raining. We are profoundly grateful. I’m…
It is an entirely perfect evening out. The sun’s setting (at 8pm, wah, winter is coming) and the sky is gold and blue and gorgeous. I wish we’d get decent weather like this for a few weeks. The entire population of the island is depressed. Thursday was half decent, but that made yesterday’s misery all the worse. I’m going to cry like a little girl if tomorrow’s awful again. Moop. (Obviously I expect it’s going to be bad.) Autumn’s actually my favorite time of year. It’s the best time to…
in lieu of actual content…
…that 50 question meme that’s going around:
Wow. I am 100% made of Boring today. I can’t even think of anything to natter inanely about. Damn. o.O miles to Isengard: 267.6 ytd miles swum: 14.3 ytd wordcount: 316,800
comparatively early-morning drive-by update
It’s nice out! It won’t last, and in fact was miserable when we walked to the gym three hours ago, but it’s nice out now! And I am happy! It doesn’t take much. :) I made the error, perhaps, of posting this on Labor Day, when not many people in the US were around, and so, though I’ve gotten some (excellent) responses, I’ll point people here again: in short, if you want to give me a short story idea, I might write it for you. :) Ardian sent me the…