*yawns my little brain out* I feel much better for having sat and read Michelle Sagara’s CAST IN SHADOW, which was very enjoyable. I will read another book tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even read another one today. But I need to go for a walk first, or all I’ll be doing is sleeping. *yawns* It’s very blustery out. Ted just called to say the power was out at the Heritage Center. Maybe he’ll get to go home early. That’d be nice. *yawns more* Jeez. No oxygen in this house, or something.…
on the upside
On the positive side, I got a note back from the online reads editor, and she liked “Ill Met by Moonlight” very much and had only a couple of insanely minor quibbles for me to look at. So that’s cool, and I’ll take care of the quibbles sometime in the next few days. Cool.
thinks to do today: 1. call electrician *talk* to electrician 2. call around for a pressure washer 3. read a goddamned book 4. do something about the office 5. pack up more things to send out 6. finish laundry 7. walk despite the bluster *sigh* And I’d been thinking I was going to take the day off. :P
stats, 8/22
Target points: 22 Points used: 32 Activity points swapped: 3 WPA used/remaining: 7/14 oops.
The bathroom is clean, although I will recruit Shaun to work miracles on the floor, because frankly, he’s better at floors than I am. They’re a damned sight better than they were already, though. The downstairs is … better. Not good, but better. I started packing a box of stuff to drag to Title Wave, and if … I got interrupted partway through that sentence and don’t know where it was going. Anyway, I’ve got a pile of book stuff I need to send out to people, so I’ll work…