
Apparently everyone I know, and a number of people I don’t, want to be in on this filter. :) If you find yourself here, it’s because you responded to the posting about it. If you don’t want to be on it, you’ll have to tell me, because I added everybody who responded. Big yay for the day: I weighed in this morning and finally was at 155 on my official weigh-in day. As I’ve been flirting with that number since…whenever I bleached my hair…but hadn’t seen it on the scale…

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THUD. Thunderbird Falls (or as I typed it a minute ago, Thudnerbird Falls, which made me and Trip laugh a lot) is submitted. Et voi fucking la, baby. I have now turned in everything that has a due date, except COYOTE DREAMS, which isn’t due until *March*, so no prollem. Goals for the remainder of August: do back cover copy. Finish PL proposal. Work on websites. Work on the house. And READ. READ, READ READ READ READ. Did I mention READ? miles to Mount Doom: 51

Ok, so…

Let me essplain. No. Is too much. Let me sum up. Last October, for no evident reason, a switch flipped in my brain. It was triggered by meeting my Dad, who said he’d given up sweets, and I said, “Me too!” and did, for forty days. I lost 7 pounds in those 6 weeks and have been on a downward trend ever since, which has culminated in about 33 pounds of loss since October 2004 and made for a total of 50 pounds lost since I was at my fattest.…

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regarding weight loss

I’m taking a page from . I’m going to start using this journal, mostly for the friends-lock aspect of it, so that I can talk, mutter, bitch, whine, and hold myself accountable on my weight loss. There’re a variety of reasons for doing this. One is that I sort of assume the entire world’s not interested in my daily struggles, so I don’t particularly want to post it on my regular journal. Another is that I’m feeling the need to try to hold myself more accountable for what I’m eating,…

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CARDINAL RULE author alterations are FINISHED and SUBMITTED, a whacking two days ahead of time. The pile of thinks to do is *finally* getting *smaller*. Next, despite having completely failed to get my act together enough to send TBF to people for commentary, I will do my last-final-final revisions on *it* tomorrow and send *it* off. It is due “in the middle of August”. This is still the middle of August. *determined look* Then back cover copy for TBF and CR, and then, By God, I Am Going To Catch…

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