Idiosyncratic? Me? Nah.

Deborah tagged me to do this five idiosyncracies meme thing, so here we go: 1. I believe everyone likes me. If they don’t, I regard it something being wrong with them, not me. 2. I appear to be naturally wired to do the sorts of things that they write books about doing if you want to succeed. I usually see the good in the bad, and believe there’s a way to get something positive out of almost any situation. 3. My favorite way to wear my hair is with a…

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school shopping

Could I go school shopping, please? I would like J. Peterman’s toile blazer (which is no longer on the website, but I have a CATALOG, ahahaha) and a cravat shirt to go with it; I would like a magnificent geometry skirt, only in a color that would suit me better; I would like the white blazer and a pair of the pink-striped seersucker pants; I would like the Newport dress and the Nob Hill dress (although I think the latter ought to be a coat rather than a dress); and…

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I don’t use this account…

I don’t use this account, so would someone please convince me that it would be irrational to switch to automatic payments and add a hundred userpics to it?


Squee! THE CARDINAL RULE is up on Amazon now! No cover art or anything yet, but it’s listed! That makes it, like, real! Rilly real! SQUEE! Now all I have to do is finish the AAs so that they’ve got a manuscript to make rilly real. :) Delightfully, the AAs are going very easily (she said, trusting she wasn’t jinxing herself with only 80 pages to go). I should finish them tonight, and I’ll post them tomorrow morgle. Harold wanted to know how many books I would squee for. I…

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raise your hand…

Raise your hand if you think I walked the dog more like I said I was going to. Raise your hand if you think I got my blaster, The Blue Bandolier, to 20th level last night. Yeah, you’re right. :) Need to empty out closets, clean floors, make raspberry jam, and work on my author alterations today, but with the last as the first order of business. Although I may go dry my hair first, because I’m a real party aminal. :)