…and any afternoon that starts off with an interview request has got to be a good one. I just got email from a woman at science fiction/fantasy/horror podcast site(s) Dragonpage/Slice of Sci-Fi asking if I’d be interested in doing an interview with them for their book-focused show, “Cover to Cover”. What I don’t know about podcast could fill libraries, but hell, Cory Doctorow thinks they’re cool, and if Cory Doctorow thinks they’re cool I’m pretty much willing to run with that. Besides, their sites are well put together, which is…
nothing specific
Any morning that begins with getting fan mail is a good morning. But now I’m procrastinating, reading about sleep paralysis instead of working on my short story. Perhaps a Thinks list will help. thinks to do today: 1. write 2. walk 3. write (unless I get a lot done with the first ‘write’) 4. bike 5. paint *considers it* Nope. Not feeling any more inspired. *goes to work anyway* ETA: 7. make jam There. Now I feel much more enthusiastic about everything. :)
Huh. Ted and I just got back from seeing “Stealth”, which was much better than it had any right to be, if you overlook the basic problem with the premise, which is, as Trip said, “Here, let’s take this insanely expensive and complicated piece of technology and hit it with a rock to make it work better.” (My basic problem with the premise was that the trailer introduces Jaime Foxx as the focus of the story and then has the babe clearly hooking up with the other dude for no…
road construction
They are paving my walk path. Sigh. I will be glad when these people are done mucking with my routes. Chanti, OTOH, who doesn’t know better, was just about literally beside herself with spasms of delight because she got to go for a WALK, which she hasn’t gotten to do in DAYS. Later we’ll go for a better walk, but I was baking bread, so we couldn’t go for a long one. Ok, that wasn’t very exciting, but I’m off to run errands now, so zoom.
I’m baaaack!
I’m baaaaaack! Apparently no one at Too actually noticed I was gone. There’s a come-uppance for you. :) It was a wonderfully productive three days. I finished the TBF revisions, aside from a nit here and there that I’ll take care of today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. The only awful thing that happened was the computer, for some reason, decided to lose about two hours worth of work. I honestly have no idea what went wrong. I’d been saving religiously and making backup files, and it just went *fwip*, gone.…