And I’m off!

All right. I have packed everything I can possibly think of, up to and including my swimsuit in case I take it into my head to jump into the 60 degree lake and go for a swim. (Yes, this is pretty likely.) I have enough food for two of me. I have a blanket and my good pillow and a toothbrush. Most importantly, I have the THUNDERBIRD FALLS manuscript and Little. I will stop at Sears on the way out of town and pick up a little space heater. From…

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ha cha cha!

Ha cha cha! I’m going out to my aunt’s this evening, and I will stay there until Thursday morning when Ted comes to pick me up. I believe I will have the TBF revisions complete or nearly complete by the end of that time, and if they’re complete I might have also accomplished some other things. I find it vexing that in this world of instant gratification, stores still sell seasonal goods. (How alliterate of me!) Aunt Eileen suggested I bring out a small electric heater, as the cabin has…

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a *plan*

I have just come up with a perfectly brilliant Plan. I have emailed my aunt to ask if I can go out to their tiny one room cabin by the lake for two or three days next weekend so I can *work*. No interruptions, no needing to make bread or do laundry or walk the dog, just me, a manuscript, and my laptop. This is what I did last year when I had Urban Shaman revisions to do, except I checked into a hotel that time. And at this time…

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thinks to do today: 1. bread 2. laundry 3. book 4. walk 5. paint 6. eat well 7. clean desk Sky High, btw, was totally cute and very enjoyable. We hope they make another one. :)


*collapses* lower cupboards painted, except the insides of the lazy susans. most of them need a second coat to make me satisfied, so i’ll probably just double-coat all of them. easier that way. two gallons of raspberries picked, washed and put up to freeze. my back is killing me. we did not go see marge to get stuff notarized. dammit. we did not go to the post office. i have not walked the dog (or myself) in two days. exhausted. starving. going to go see “sky high” and eat junk…

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