Holy Mary, mother of mirth. We got nearly everything on the Thinks list done. Haven’t yet washed cupboards, and we’re not going to a movie because it sounds like too much work, and I forgot to get boxes at the store so no packing for the PO, but everything else plus a few things. Like: Ted got stuck at work for lnonger than expected, so after I opened my SEP-IRA (which was ridiculously easy), I went shopping (!) and bought a very cute new lil’ jeans jacket. Short-rib cut, 3/4ths…
thinks to do today: 1. bring Audi to the shop. AGAIN. 2. go to credit onion 2a. go to bonk 3. go to financial advisor/go to work 4. have lunch 5. get passport pictures taken 6. make a shopping list 6a. shop :) 7. decide on & buy paint 8. wash cupboards 9. go to a movie 10. pack up a few things for the PO 11. get glasses fixed 12. chiropractor I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting some things, but those are the ones I can think of today. Then,…
Every time I go outside, it starts to rain. I don’t think there’s an actual cause and effect there, but it’s been happening a lot. I get a quarter mile out the door and it starts spitting. Ptooie! Ptooie! Fascinating little discussion just came up on Too, regarding authors who “who write women characters as men with breasts, and the other way round.” To me, the “man with breasts” approach suggests that the *idea* of a female character is inherently weak, and that a strong woman presumably can’t be anything…
fun meme, gacked from LJ
Best fictional character to . . . . . . be at your side after the apocalypse: Methos . . . be at your side fighting a war: Methos . . . take over the world with: Met let’s try this again :) . . . be at your side after the apocalypse: Buffy . . . be at your side fighting a war: Richard Sharpe . . . take over the world with: The Brain . . . run your country with: Jack Ryan . . . be stuck…
Rauros Falls!
I have just reached Rauros Falls, in my Eowyn Challenge walk! I’m now on the last leg of Frodo and Sam’s journey, which is from Rauros Falls to Mount Doom, a 470 mile trek. I have walked 1310 (easily recordable) miles since April 2003. When I’ve reached Mount Doom, I have to decide if I’m going to reboot back to Rauros Falls, which is where everybody split up, and follow individual tracks to different places, or … what. :) I think I’ll probably do that, but since I can’t imagine…