Yesterday my agent called. *pause* You have no idea how fun it is to say that. One of my family’s catch-phrases when I was growing up was someone would come home and say, “Did my agent call?” We would always say, “No, not today,” in response, and we all thought it was funny. So actually having an agent and being able to say, “My agent called,” makes my whole family laugh. Of course, it makes it a bit complicated to come home and say, “Did my agent call?” because having…
And. AND. BESIDES fitting in all my clothes, we went out last night and we saw someone we hadn’t seen for probably a year, and he said to me, “Have you…” And made shrinking motions with his hands. :) And he was very impressed and asked how I’d lost all that weight. :) AND THEN! *Then* we went over to Barnes & Noble and there was only one copy of the book on the shelves, and I asked how many they’d sold and they said FORTY and that they had…
holy COW!
I’ve been feeling skinny the last few days, so today I thought I’d do my bi-monthly “try on everything in the closet and see what still doesn’t fit”. Nothing doesn’t fit. I no longer own any clothes that are too small for me. I even tried on the size 8 jeans I accidentally bought a couple of months ago, and THEY FIT! My favorite dress EVER *fits* again. My wedding dress fits better than it did the day I got married. My *high school letterman’s jacket* fits, for heaven’s sake.…
nicole kidman day
I just got a look at myself in the mirror and thought, “Huh, I’m having a Nicole Kidman kind of day,” and then thought, “What the hell does that mean?” and then thought, “It means my hair is in my face.” This is all Aberdeen’s fault, somehow. It is waaaaining and waaaaining and waaaaining here. Ok, actually, it’s stopped now, but when I got up it was waining and waining, and I thought I’d be stuck in the house all day. Instead I shall be forced to go walking and…
There. Site’s back. Much better. Combination of a failure to change my email address with the host and forgetting which card the payments were on. Oops. And thank all nine or so of you who told me the site was down, although really, I knew that. It’s my main email, and my homepage. :) The following exciting things have happened in my absence: I finished and submitted the AAs on “Banshee Cries”, which means that book is officially put to bed. I won’t see it again until I get copies…