
mizkit.com is down. There appears to be some sort of billing problem. I’m waiting for someone to answer my email. :P

thinks to do today

thinks to do today: 1. swim 2. do the thing that i did that i won’t mention 3. bake bread 4. laundry 5. walk dog 6. finish reading CHANGER OF DAYS 7. BC AAs 8. sand cabinets, if there’s time left Swimming was good for me. I was very tired before going, and now I’m more pleasant sort of tired, so that’s good. Last night I took Chanti for a 3 mile walk, because I wanted to see if the new lift for my shoe made any difference in longer…

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Boys will probably want to skip this entry. It’s all about bras. …okay, maybe that means you want to read it. I donno. :) So I get this biking gear catalog from Terry Bicycles. I was flipping through it the other day and found this sports bra that nobody could resist: it’s called Damn The Torpedos. It is specifically made for Women With Boobs; they advertised it as being designed for C and D cups. Naturally, I bought one immediately. It has a zip front and velcro adjustable straps to…

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da smoke gets in your eyes

There’s a fire somewhere and it’s blanketing the whole Anchorage bowl in smoke. V. smelly. Emily was commenting last night that the sky was weird, and lo: it was, because of the smoke coming in. We just didn’t know it was the smoke, last night. Emily and Ted and I went to see The Interpreter last night. Emily had her suspension of disbelief broken once, and Ted thought it was too long (it was, compounded by it getting increasingly hotter in the theatre), but I enjoyed it a lot. More…

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Ted’s mumbly and dadbly have headed back to Fairbanks, as Gary is doing just fine. We’re all very glad of it. :) Pretty weird, that you can have heart surgery via an incision in the hip. Jai and Emily and I saw The Upside of Anger last night, and enjoyed it very much. I’d intended to do a double-header and go see The Interpreter, too, but the website seemed to indicate that such a thing wasn’t possible. Upon arriving at the theatre, it proved to be, so fnrt. Anyway, I’m…

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