I have what, maybe 1500 words to go, but man, the writing, she is like pulling teeth this morning. Mostly, I think, because it’s VERY BEAUTIFUL out and I wanna go out and play rather than stay in my dull dark little corner and write. 600 more words and I can do that. (Except in 600 more words I ought to be feeling like I can just finish up real quick before doing other things, but don’t tell my brain that, ok? I’m trying to trick it.) 600 more words…
aaaalmoooost theeere!
I have finished the epilogue, the last chapter, and the penultimate chapter. Now I just have to finish the penpenultimate chapter and I will be done. About 8 pages to go. I cannot quite decide if my brain is jello or not. But I think I’m going to go clean a section of the living room before I write some more, because whether my brain is jello or not, my butt is definitely numb. Lucy, who I viciously put off my lap after the last hour of writing, is now…
*tud* all tired out! Wrote about 1500 words this morning (yay!), most of them on the final chapter. Or maybe the penultimate chapter. But I haven’t written most of the pen, or maybe the pen-pen, ultimate chapter, so still need to do that. anyway. writing was good. yeah. then I got on my bi-cy-cle and rode downtown, where I met the fabulous Wen Spencer for lunch, and we hung out and gabbed for about three hours. That was lots and lots of fun. She and her family did the inside…
the gun seller
I’m reading this book that Emily lent me, THE GUN SELLER. It’s by actor Hugh Laurie. I’m about four chapters in. Thus far it’s rather like what I imagine Douglas Adams would have written, if he wrote murder mysteries instead of science fiction. Huh. miles to Rauros Falls: 314.5
I gritted my way through the end of a chapter this afternoon, and it didn’t really turn out like I expected it to (I like how it turned out better than how I’d envisioned it) and now suddenly I think I have one chapter left. Maybe two. The story is ending in the same place I thought it was going to, with all the cards where I wanted them to be, but the details are turning out differently. So whoops, here I am, almost done. Thank God. I got very…