Got the extension (and then some), so I am no longer Freaked Out about the book. Actually, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday working out notes and I think I’ve gotten the bugs worked out anyway, so I’m going to plunge ahead and see what I can pull together this week. I don’t expect I’ll turn it in on Friday anyway, but I’m feeling much more solid about it. Whew. :) It does occur to me to mention that it’s a lot nicer to have 15 pounds to…
and now to work.
Redesigning my webpage has not made me fifteen pounds lighter or finished the book, but aside from the fact that there’s a bunch of detail work I still need to do, it’s made me somewhat happier. So, too, did Deborah and Lisa making me go swim yesterday morning. 2000 or 2200 yards (I lost count a little) and then walking home restored my equalibrium a bit. There’s lap swim Monday and Wednesday from 11-12 and Saturday from 10-11. Given how much better it made me feel, I am now committed…
hair, weight, web page
Bleaching my hair will not make me fifteen pounds thinner. Redesigning my webpage will not finish this book. I can’t decide if it’s good or just annoying that I can recognize avoidance techniques/displacement issues like that. *Especially* because recognizing them doesn’t make me any less desirous of redesigning my webpage (yes, I *know* I just did it; you see my point?) or bleaching my hair. It just makes me crabby. I’m feeling very crabby right now. I’ve blown my no-sugar thing, and if I start again now I won’t be…
ok, that was cool
Ok, that was cool. The Forbeses just came by with copies of URBAN SHAMAN for me to sign for them. I hadn’t seen Rene since last summer and I don’t think I’d seen Liam or Lisa since David’s wake. That was just…good. It’s good to see family.
My goodness, what a lot of little boys!
My goodness, what a lot of little boys! Ted and I drove out to Big Lake tonight to see my family, who were in town in droves. Johnny and his two oldest boys, Jacob who is befreckled and Joshua who is a dead ringer for his daddy (not that Jacob doesn’t look like him, but Joshua looks startlingly like him); Maggie and her three boys, Louis, Derek and Ian, who all have their mommy’s eyes (she appears to still have them too, which is a relief) and also her nephew…