my livejournal haiku: betide the fool who crosses her path if there were not invisible steps
off to ireland!
I have just seen my parents off to Ireland. Eee! What an adventure for them! I want to gooooo! EVERYBODY will be in Ireland now! *hops around*! Ted made an unbelievably good going-away dinner last night, too. Sheesh. I mean, sheesh. An appetizer of shrimp-stuffed mushrooms followed by crab legs in butter, and topped off with rockfish au papier on a risotto with string beans. It was *ridiculously* good. Aunt Eileen and Uncle Pete came over, and we all ate until we were stuffed silly, and then had cheesecake for…
Saturday: old friends, family, and BOOKSIGNING!
Saturday morning I was dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh, when^H^H^H Saturday morning I was dashing through the breakfast line when I saw, all unexpectedly, Winifred Halsey, who was the judging editor at the 2002 RMFW conference–the conference that lit a fire under my ass to get this whole writing thing going. I went to that conference to talk to Winifred, because I wanted to talk to an editor about my work, and having placed in the contest (which I knew I would), there was my…
Friday: family, friends, sf museum, space needle :)
Friday: family, friends, sf museum, space needle :) I woke up ridiculously early on Friday, having gone to bed at like 8:15. Or maybe 9:15. Anyway, it was early, and I got a lot of sleep, so I got up at 7 or something. All stiff and sore. Nasty beds. (I was relieved on Sunday, when Michael, Scott’s 17 year old son, was complaining bitterly of being stiff and achy from the beds, too. It gave me great confidence that I was not having another horrible back pain attack.) The…
redesigning tells me…
Redesigning tells me that I clearly need to shorten my list of thinks to do. :) But not right now. Right now I’m going for a *walk*, because it’s unbelieveably gorgeous outside and I’ve been punking around at the computer all bloody day. *neerow*!