Copy edits and revisions done. DONE. *DONE*. I think I’ll mail them instead of faxing them, just because the ms is double-sided and my fax machine isn’t that smart. It’ll be easier to mail them. Not really panicking, despite the earlier assertion. I don’t have time to panic. I’m just being incredibly methodical, at this point. People keep asking if I’m excited about the radio tour, and no, right now, I’m not. I expect when it’s showtime I will be, but right now it’s just the next thing on my…
about to panic
thinks to do today: 1. pack 2. wire Little up 3. finish CR revisions 4. SEND CR revisions 5. laundry 6. coffee with jai 7. notify everyone that the way to email me is mizkit73 AT yahoo DOT com for the next 7 days (consider yourselves notified) 8. transfer Mysterious Project files to Little 9. transfer FD files to Little 10. test Little’s wireless 11. respond to Matrice’s BC comments 12. do anything I’ve forgotten I’m about to start panicking. I feel quite convinced of it. miles to Hobbiton: 173.6
My, that was easy.
My, that was easy. One stet in 80K. Copy edits are done, now to deal with the revisions, which I think are actually going to be pretty minor. I figure it’ll take two or three passes to do them properly (by which time I’ll never want to look at the book again), but then they’ll be done and I’ll be able to send them *before* I go to Seattle, which would be awfully good. *Man* it’s gorgeous out there. Chanti and I walked three miles (at about 2.5 miles she…
V. seepy this morning. Got up to make Ted’s lunch and have gotten some copy edits done so far (about 100 pages total–I *did* get 50 pages done last night, go me!), and it’s a very light copy edit. I’ve fixed a couple things, including a bit that Trip pointed out that I really should have known better about, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to want to go back through and do some clarification stuff, and there’s some bits Matrice asked me to work in that I’ll do my…
wonderful evening
Nearly my entire family who are in Alaska were at our house tonight for a book/birthday/general celebration. Unka Packy and my cousin Moira Bu were up from Kenai, the latter of whom I didn’t expect and whom I hadn’t seen since she had her babies, the oldest of whom is THREE! and the youngest is like 18 months. So it was lots of fun to see them and meet the boys. And Aunt Eileen and Uncle Pete came out from the Valley, and so did my cousin Erik and his…