Random Friendslist Generator by katstevens Username 1. mnemozine 2. shoka 3. debela 4. frabjousdave 5. kaey 6. dancinghorse 7. annathepiper 8. happymom 9. silkiemom 10. rain_girl_ak 11. ellenmillion Quiz created with MemeGen! 1. Who is #8 going out with? Nobody, but she’s married to Dave. :) 2. Is #9 a boy or a girl? Grrl! 3. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Yeah, they’re both artists. It’d be all tempermental and charming and stuff. 4. What is #6’s favourite band? I haven’t the foggiest idea! 5. Does #1…
thinks to do
Thinks to do today: 1. BC edits 2. laundry 3. bread 4. get envelopes 5. get good paper 6. print HoS 7. go to post office! 8. unfreeze blackberries
interesting rwa meeting
It was an interesting RWA meeting last night. We had a man from a vanity press called KiwEpublishing come talk to us, only of course he didn’t call it a vanity press. Print on demand publisher: all this can be yours for only $1295. Two of us, Jackie Ivie and I, had copies of our books with us, and the guy assumed they were POD, which… …which, actually, you wouldn’t believe how many people assume. “Is it coming out from a major publisher?” is the nicest way that I’ve been…
a books meme
A books meme: 1) The number of books I’ve owned: I’d say around 3000 at the high point. Now? 7 or 800. We’ve culled a *lot*. 2) The last book I bought: …I honestly don’t know. We were given a macadamia nut cookbook for free when we bought macadamias in Hawaii, but I don’t think that counts. 3) The last book I read: URBAN SHAMAN, by C.E. Murphy. Really. 4) Five books that mean a lot to me: ANNE OF GREEN GABLES by L.M. Montgomery THE DARK IS RISING (sequence,…
*laughs out loud* There’s a bit in Banshee Cries where Jo comments there’s not nearly enough half-naked Wesley Snipes in the Blade movies. My editor wrote, “True!” in the margins. She’s so cool. :) …well. That is in fact a *very* light copyedit/revision. There are about four paragraphs where I should change things, punch ’em up a little, or explain a bit more, and it’ll essentially be done. YAY! I might even get that done tonight, although I have an RWA meeting, so maybe not. Still, it won’t take too…