home again!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig! Our vacation was *lots* of fun and I’ll do some writeups later today, after I’ve… …found something to eat. Shaun’s gone, too, so there’s literally nothing in the house that can be prepared to eat: no milk for cereal, no bread for toast, no nothing. There’s a pint of buttermilk that’s unopened which might be okay for making quick bread with, but how do you tell if buttermilk’s gone bad? It’s past its open date… Would you like to know how geeky we are?…

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lost in honolulu

We were trying to find the Hard Rock Cafe and instead found an internet cafe (the HRC is another couple blocks down), so we stopped to get online and find directions to the HRC. :) I have been in Hawaii 7 days and I have not gotten a sunburn. *Ted* got sunburned, but *I* didn’t. Hah! We’ve been having a bloody magnificent time. It’s been really laid back, and we feel sort of like we haven’t been frantic enough to be having fun, but we’ve been having an amazing time.…

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two days

We made it two days in Hawaii before searching out net access. Aren’t you proud of us? Of course, we can’t get to our email or anything, so there’s not a *great* deal of point in hanging out online for long. :) Having a lovely time so far, wish you were here. :) I am, incidentally, reading this book called URBAN SHAMAN, by C.E. Murphy. I have it on good authority that C.E. Murphy thinks it’s pretty weird to be reading a printed copy of one of her own books.…

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To top off what was otherwise an absolutely brilliant day, I got back from walking the dog and found a box of books from Harlequin on my doorstep. Twenty-five copies of URBAN SHAMAN. Oh. My. GOD. Mom called right after I got the box, and I picked up the phone and squeaked, “Hello?” and she was calling to tell me that one of her geneology sites was making a fuss about me, but it sort of got overwhelmed by, “Guess what I just got in the mail?” The *font*, thank…

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Hectic! got up started laundry chatted online ate breakfast cleaned desk wrote bills paid online bills answered emails checked mail GOT PAID! walked to bank deposited PAYCHECK bought fannypack got id walked home checked messages rescued husband who had locked his keys in the car stopped mail ate lunch whew! I believe I’ve got the “run around like a chicken with my head cut off” well in hand. o.O :) Getting paid was an unexpected bonus, and the timing couldn’t be better. Yay! Ted accidentally locked his keys in the…

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