
I’m convinced that Nook knows when I’m supposed to be working. I can tell, because if I sit down and decide to play a little solitaire before starting to write, one of two things happens: either I play 3 games (my limit) and get not more than one or two moves per game, or I win the second game. I believe this is the computer’s way of telling me to stop fucking around and get to work. I will not believe otherwise. :) Sent THUNDERBIRD FALLS off this morning. That’s…

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My elbow hurts this morning. So does my shoulder. I should probably call up and make a chiro appointment as soon as they open. Any bets on whether I’ll remember? …ow. I just crunked my upper back while putting earrings in. I think I’ll remember to call the chiro. Ow. I gots new earrings! They match my other smaller hoops, which are just like those except they’ve only got two diamond-cut textured areas on them instead of 3. :) I loffs them! Today’s official weigh-in day. For the first time…

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quick updatage

THUNDERBIRD FALLS will be going out the door as soon as I find some rubber bands. Apparently I’ve used all mine. Sulk. Beyond that, there is no news tonight. I’ve spent pretty much the entire day futzing around with book details. The manuscript’s 444 pages. Might be the biggest I’ve written. Goal for tomorrow: write one chapter of FIREBIRD DECEPTION. miles to Rauros Falls: 120.5 ytd wordcount: 74,000

meme correct responses so far

Updated with more correct answers. :) Aberdeen’s comment on this meme for me: If there’s a grey character, or a welsh nose, you’ve got the right pick. And if those two go together, well, that’s all she wrote, and Janne’s: Don’t know all those shows, but I’d randomly guess ‘the mystery-shrouded guy with the big nose’ for most of them . *laugh* That’s a pretty good rule of thumb, although perhaps not wholly accurate. :) Meme correct responses so far behind the cut tag, so people can keep playing:

tv meme

Huh. Just came across this meme and thought it sounded entertaining: The TV Show Meme 1. Post a list of 10 TV shows you watch (current or cancelled!) 2. Have your friends list guess your favourite CHARACTER from each show 3. When guessed, tell us why you like that character Only thing I’m not sure about is if I can come up with 10 shows. But I’ll try. :) 1. Alias 2. Angel 3. Beauty and the Beast 4. Buffy 5. Farscape 6. Highlander 7. Invisible Man 8. Stargate …Legion…

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