Marithlizard blinks at Kit’s lj. Kit *is* hallucinating, right? Kit is *not*! Marithlizard says “You must be. *movie*? *john woo*? *sandra bullock*?” Kit may, however, be pulling your leg a little bit. It’s April 1st. :) Marithlizard waves a hand helpfully in front of Kit. Oh *good*. Kit laughs out loud. Marithlizard er. Not that I don’t think they WILL. :) Just, um, my reality was fragmenting there. :) Kit beams. A lot. Kit wins! Actually, Garrett wins, because the earlier post was his idea. Chops to Garrett. :) :)…
what, no frogs?
You scored as Stag. You are the Stag. You enjoy your independence and lead a pretty balanced life. Your pride can sometimes get in the way, but it helps you out at times. Stag 92% Fox 92% Bear 83% Dragon 83% Eagle 83% Horse 83% Salmon 75% Bull 75% Crow 75% Dog 58% Snake 58% Wolf 50% Ram 42% Deer 33% Which animal totem best suits you?created with
! I never thought this would happen so fast, but New Line has picked up an option on URBAN SHAMAN. They’re talking about John Woo to direct, with Sandra Bullock starring. I hope she’ll cut her hair, and I’ll need to add some doves to the story…
writers are just big kids
I’m always saying writers are weird, although I don’t really think I’m all that weird. (Which is probably indicative of how weird I am.) But this morning somebody forwarded me an article about imaginary friends (or rather, a blog entry about the article), which includes a link to an author project, the short version of which is, “Authors have imaginary friends.” It’s not that we’re weird. It’s that we never grew up. There are a couple of quotes on the author project page that particularly strike me: … fictional characters…
funny how
Funny how the wind that’s utterly unnoticeable when you’re wearing a hat is suddenly very very noticeable when you’re not. I have not gotten v. much done today. Not v. much done at all. Except some walking and some weight lifting and some laundry. But not much writing, which is what qualifies as “getting things done” in my world these days. Guess I’ll go try to remedy that somewhat. miles to Rauros Falls: 104