So Jai calls at a quarter after one, and I’m all like, “Hey, Jai, what’s up, what’re OH SHIT!” I was supposed to meet her at 1 for coffee at Title Wave, and I COMPLETELY spaced it. I just, wow, I mean, totally. *Totally* forgot. What a complete dork I am. She let me off the hook and we rescheduled for next Sunday, but man, am I a dork. O.O And at this point, I’m a dork who doesn’t get to watch any more Smallville until I’ve *seriously* caught up…
Ted and I are totally weak in the face of Smallville. It’s like our own personal form of green Kryptonite. We watched eight episodes last night, and thank Heavens I didn’t check to see how many we had left (only 5), or we’d have been up til 4 in the morning. *laugh* The last episode we watched was “Stray”, which was very AUGH and was the episode inwhich they finally used Five for Fighting’s Superman song, and as Image said, it was worth waiting for. They’re generally very good about…
There is now a note on the URBAN SHAMAN page at Amazon saying “Based on customer purchases, this is the #22 Early Adopter Product in Science Fiction & Fantasy.” I don’t know exactly what that means (except that apparently presales are going well!), but it can’t be a *bad* thing! *beam* Quick! Quick! Go buy more copies! See if we can get it to #1! Let’s usurp… …okay, the first thing on that page that actually looks like it’s SF/F is Ursula K. LeGuin’s FARTHEST SHORE, which is at #3.…
and they’re off!
And they’re off! BANSHEE CRIES and HEART OF STONE just went into the mail. Yay! Now to finish O:C, revise TB, and…that’s enough for the moment. There’s plenty lots more to do, but small bites. :)
*laugh* meme from janne
*laugh* A meme stolen from Janne: post the first line of the first posting from the first day of each month of 2004. Okay. :) January: Our vacation, in brief: Breic vomited. February: This has been a completely awesome day. March: G’morning, people. I’m starting a shout-out meme, today. April: Good morning, everybody! May: It was an insanely productive weekend. June: Happy birthday to me! July: I’d like to tell you that I enjoyed seeing Spider-Man II, but that would mean I would have had to have actually *seen* it,…